7 Ways to Grow your Business: Generate More Leads

Lead Generation. Concept of business, network, technology, future

There are just seven ways to grow your business. The first five grow your sales and the last two reduce your costs. In this blog post we highlight actions you can take to tailor your marketing to the right people to attract more customers, so you can generate more leads.

Tip! Run through the list below and see if there are any gaps in the way you communicate to your audience.

Marketing / PR Initiatives:
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Email campaigns
  • Regular social media posting
  • Joint venture / co-marketing campaigns
  • Create online forums – facebook groups
  • Engage a PR company
  • Deliver press releases / gain media coverage
  • Develop a sponsorship programme
  • Host an open day
  • Interview industry influencers
Referral networks:
Develop business collateral: Do you have these covered?
  • Business cards & Email signatures
  • Brochures & Product catalogues
  • Effective product packaging
  • Promotional items
  • Branded team uniforms
  • Educational eBooks
  • Infographics & other relevant print media
Review website effectiveness: Items to consider depending on the size of your business
  • Blog regularly answering the questions your clients regularly ask – it saves you time in the long run
  • Enhance your search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Try online ‘pay per click’ advertising – be sure to measure its ROI
  • Add email subscribe buttons to all your marketing materials
  • Add social buttons to your website
  • Outsource social media management
  • Delegate website management
Review advertising channels:
  • Premises signs
  • Billboards
  • Television, Radio, Cinema advertising
  • Magazine and/or Newspaper advertising
  • Trade journal advertising – speak to your audience direct
  • Advertise in school newsletters
  • Pay for website banner advertising
  • Window displays
Which of the above ways is the easiest and cheapest to implement for you?

There are 39 ideas above which will appeal to some but not all business.  Reflect on how well you are doing in covering these areas.  Ideally, you will start with a Marketing Plan to identify who you want to talk to and find out where they hang out and how they like to be communicated to.

“Good service leads to multiple sales. If you take good care of your customers, they will open doors you could never open by yourself.” – Jim Rohn

Need any help to get started with the next steps for your business, get in touch, we’re happy to help.

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